What is Ocean Bound Plastic?

'Ocean Bound Plastic' is plastic pollution rescued from nature that is certified to be at high risk of getting into the ocean.

To be certified OBP, it has to meet three key criteria.

Approximately 80% of the plastic in our oceans has ended up there via land, i.e. it was not dropped directly into the ocean but started on land and then ended up in a river or on a beach and from there, made its way into the sea. The term Ocean Bound Plastic refers to plastic collected from within 30 miles (50km) of the coastline. It was coined by Jenna Jambeck, a professor from the University of Georgia whose research found that plastic within this radius of the coast posed the most risk of ending up in our oceans. You can find out more about her research here. The plastic pollution that POLLAST!C™ is made from is certified to meet this criteria. By collecting it, we are cleaning up a serious environmental issue and preventing further damage.


Further reading on What is Ocean-Bound Plastic